QR Code Xpert Scanner




In our daily life we QR codes become more and more present.Using them provides fast access to more information available in a local network or on the internet.Some of the codes contain contact information or other valuable data for us.Barcodes are used mainly in sales but sometimes it is interesting to check the details behind a given barcode as well.In any case the QR Code Xpert Scanner is the right choice for you.Simply start the application and scan the code you want. You will see the content of what is hidden in the code. If you wish you can access directly a website or visit a search engine to learn more about your scan.The App is plain and simple, easy to use and provide all the functions you need if it comes to QR and barcodes. Visited sites will be stored for later access.If you are working in the plastic industry and use Xmold in your company you will get an additional plus using this application.Just enter the Xmold address and you can scan a mold or a machine in order to get details about the current process.Enjoy the fast and easy to use QR Code Xpert Scanner.